There are so many blogs out there, and our mission is to stand out. This probably isn't the first time you've read this, and I am positive it won't be the last. You may be asking yourself," where did you get M.U.S.H. from?" That is a good... question. MUSH started on one single thought that expanded to something bigger. What do readers want to read about? While most want to read about actual news, there are some out there just looking for something entertaining, and interesting to read. Something that those hard news readers could consider MUSH [more.useless.s*!]
Kayla Starkey
Founder & Main writer
Not too much to say about me. I’m sarcastic, a red head with no soul, and addicted to coke: Coca Cola that is. MUSH was something that manifested from my love of journalism, and too much time on my hands. I truly hope MUSH will be something people go to for a funny read, or something interesting to stare at while in class, besides facebook.
Guest Writers
From time to time, MUSH will have guest writers appearing. Usually when something interesting happens, and a fellow journalist decides to help out.