Sunday, July 3, 2011

Light Weight Drinker

Being a light weight is often looked down upon. I remember back in high school I used to be able to take shot after shot, and hold my liquor. Now days since I am of age, I am a big light weight and enjoy it.

Light weights are seen as being lame, weak, etc. I often thought of light weights as someone who couldn't hold their liquor in the form of a bimbo blonde that was just looking for some attention. After years of not drinking, I entered the light weight zone, and my feelings have changed.

Here are some benefits of being a light weight:

  • We're cheap dates.
  • A couple beers and were set.
  • No expensive bar tabs.
  • Drunk people are funny in general.
Yes, back in the day taking Captain Morgan shots was fun, but now drinking some cheap booze and feeling the effects is fun.  Hell, I went out to eat tonight for wings and drank a tall beer and I'm feeling the effects. When it all  comes down to it, it doesn't matter how much ya drink as long as you're having fun.  And Not acting a fool.Plus, Taco Bell just tastes better.


  1. for your information captin morgan isnt really that strong :)

  2. Yea, but there are different proofs of Captain Morgan. The way you talk, it sounds like you can handle your alcohol very well. ha. :]

  3. I have a class of wine and Im ready for bed. Yumm.
