Thursday, September 22, 2011

Emmy's, Oscars etc

Some people love awards shows, while I can barely even read articles about them. What is the appeal of awards shows is my question?

A comedian once said, his or her name is lost in my memory, actors and actresses have low self esteem. Who else has events just to say good job for doing your job? Sure some work places may try to do employee of the month,but thats usually a nonrewarding event. I've never receieved a fancy statue for doing my job.

Can someone please enlighten me why awards shows are so great? I get sleepy watching them. Every now and the Mtv has an ok one. But like the saying goes, same shit different day. Someone gets half naked, someone talks shit, someone sings good or bad.

What's the appeal?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shopping on the internet

Some people just love buying stuff online. Who wouldn't love a great deal? I will shop for things online, but the wait drives me crazy!

I recently bought a nook color online, ordered it Friday from Barnes and Nobles site. I bought the pre-certified used one to save some money. After paying express shipping I paid 195. I have no clue why I didn't just buy one in the store for 250. I am going crazy, pretty much stalking the mail man.

Call me a little old school, I love the internet, but I love buying things in the store. I can't buy clothes from the net, I'm not lucky enough to have a flawless figure. I have to try it on, stare at myself in the mirror, and debate over a $10 top.

Any who, while some love to buy stuff from the net, I prefer buying things in a store. I  still buy CDs. Isn't that a shocker? I like getting the cd case with all the photos and goodies it has to offer. I have bought maybe one album from itunes.

Have you ever bought something online and then wished you just bought it in the store? Are you just as inpatient as I am? I'm a hypocrite in that sense. I tell people patience is a virtue, one of which I have little of. I can only hope after waiting a week for my nook color I don't get bored of it in a month.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Medicial finding

What repetitive movement causes the most injury to women? Hmm. I wonder? Ha. Made my doctors visit a bit more bearable. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kim Kardashian Music Video

Were you just dying to see the music video to her top hit song? Wait, her song did terrible, but here is the music video.

I think the general reaction to this video is, wait is this her sex tape or just a poorly thought out music video. I think we can both agree her sex tape and this  music video were terrible.

P.S. Sorry for making your ears and eyes bleed today.