Thursday, August 11, 2011

Writing a book

For those of you out there that don't know it,but writing a book is pretty hard. This may not be news to some,but at one point and time I decided to write a book. What is a 150pages?

Doesn't sound too hard, but I'm two years in and I've only finished one chapter.All this being said I'm being sarcastic as possible. I knew writing a book would be hard, but trying to juggle life, and remembering to write down all the thoughts going through my head for the next chapter can be tough.

I try to stay very organized, but that doesn't seem to happen 90% of the time. I once  kept a planner for college, but lost the planner. I found it in my couch two months later. I was very excited to find it, but found out that it is pretty useless.

Now I'm not going to go saying what my book is about, that would just spoil the fun 5 years down the road when  it finally comes out. I do plan on getting my novel rolling a bit faster. Me and my amazing organizational skills have left me with no digital copy of my first chapter forcing me to re-type it. Once I get past that obstacle I will start the second chapter! 

Have you ever tried to write a book? If so, did you finish it, or how did you give up writing it? I have a couple friends waiting on my book so I can't give up. One day you will hear the best seller, and soon to be motion picture Knowing How To Play The Game.

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