How did you find the love of your life? I bet you looked at the personals on Craigslist! Or are you more gutsy and made an account on plenty of fish?
Let's start off with How many people actually look at these ads? I did once, and it was pretty sad. Some of them are horny old men, and the rest I believe are fake, or the guy is just to shy, and imagine how the first date would go? I love Craigslist to look for used furniture and new apartments, but not for a date.
Plenty of fish is another weird and scary place. If you are looking for some quick booty, this is definitely your site. I personally have never had a plenty of fish account, but I have fallen victim to listening to a friend and making an account.
Recapping on how went, bunch of skinny rednecks sending me messages, that's a check! finding it creepy for just having an account, another check. If memory serves me right, I had that account for less then a month. I talked to one normal person, but never set a date to meet, that would be too convenient for some psycho to kill me.
I am sure there are some ok dating sites out there, but you have to be willing to pay a pretty penny to meet them. I am on the fence about the whole dating websties. Yes, I did meet my husband through a friend that knew him and he was on her Myspace.I added him and the rest is history. He is now my ball and chain. I think that was a totally different story, but some others might disagree.
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