Tuesday, May 24, 2011

KKK Rally July 4th Midland Michigan

On a day most would be celebrating their independence, and being thankful to live in this great nation the USA, there is another group that is rallying, the KKK. July 4th in Midland Michigan, the KKK will have a rally at the courthouse.

Yes, you read that right, in the nice sweet town of Midland, the KKK will hold a rally. According to the Midland Daily News the guy starting the whole thing Randy Gray, says its intentions are "peaceful". How can a group  that has so much history in spreading hate say their intentions are peaceful?

Peaceful protest is accepted, and their event has been approved, but this is definitely infringing on the rights of others. We live in an era that should be better then this. Why should my little sister, who is half Mexican, have the chance of seeing people who are for white supremacy?

I urge people who live close to Midland to go and speak out against this terrible event happening. I plan on protesting the KKK on the 4th of July. Could they pick any better of a day? We should be celebrating the melting pot in the US.


  1. Why focus on those pictures? Surely it would be fair to display photos that depict all of the charitable work they are well-known for?

  2. I did do some research and found about their charity work. I have to say though, that isn't how they are thought of. I still find them disrespectful. And I can only find their charity work on one site from years ago. What have they done recently?

  3. What a retard - If a wife beater goes out and gives a homeless man a meal does that cancel out his battered wife? WTF is wrong with you? The Nazis tried to use similar arguments in Nuremberg and now you have a mentality that accepts that? You think you're doing well by trying to point out the "Good" in someone - and you don't think it's propaganda what they do? Why focus on these photos? So this kind of uneducated ignorance never becomes acceptable to people like you who do nothing short of justify ignorance and hate because you think they do some charitable work in your eyes. People like you are the real danger.

  4. LMAO! What a retard! No grammar, can't spell and sure as hell can't comprehend what you read. Thanks for proving the point! "Grand Dragon" LOL! Only a retard would qualify.
