Friday, May 6, 2011

Lady Gaga: Judas music video

10 million dollars, and this is all you give us Lady Gaga? I could make a list of things that would be more worthy of 10 million dollars than making a music video. Let's go over somethings a little more desiring:

1. Help the homeless and hungry people of the U.S.
2. Help the homeless and hungry people anywhere.
3.Help people struggling with money or foreclosure.
4. Help children get a good education in this country, and others. We sure know that the government isn't budgeting for the future.
4. Not make a music video, or make one that is a little less expensive.

How many more artists are going to make a music video that crams religion in it? I feel it's just a way to get attention.

She strikes me as following in Madonna's footsteps, or any other pop artist trying to make a statement, and stand out. Oh wait, that is every artist. As my mother said to me, " It's just a phase". I'll be honest, I did like Lady Gaga's first album. I thought it was very upbeat, and fun. Let's hope she gets out of her latest phase, making weird, bad music.


  1. i don't understand why she is singing with a Caribbean accent. could somebody tell me? When she says gaga after stuttering for five seconds she reminds me of somebody with turrets. i don't know. the biker 13 apostles and Jesus things was kinda cool but the singing and everything else sucked.

  2. She does have a weird accent going on. It just sounds like she's not even singing half the time.

  3. Shes a fad, trying to be a shock artist. Surprisingly, a lot of idiots are buying into it
