Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Royal Wedding: Kate and Prince William

It's a modern day fairy tale, and something you can not escape when flipping through the channels. 

Who here is sick of hearing about the big event? I sure am. I am glad to see two people found love, but does their break ups, life history, and plans for the future have to be plastered on tv?

Any article you can imagine is online about Kate. Even things she has to give up when she becomes princess. She  can no longer be known as Kate or eat shellfish. Or darn. That's a real setback... Yea, If I were marrying a princess I wouldn't care what anyone called me. I would be set for life!

My one last beef about it all, they keep calling her a common citizen, middle class. She went to one of the most elite colleges in England. Paid $500,000 to go to school. That does not sound like someone that is middle class.

Who out there is getting sick of every small detail about the prince and soon to be princess?

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