Friday, April 15, 2011

Why women are superior to men..

I feel bad for the male species. Not only do they have their most precious area just out there, very easy for anyone women to kick, but women can also connive them to give us things for free.

Most men love beer, but do you see a guy getting free drinks out? No, that is what women are their for. Most women have this divine power, where we can just get things for free, but there is a catch to this. We usually gotta show a little skin to get it.

The feminist might argue all day how its degrading to show some cleavage to get something for free. I disagree. Think of it. I show just a little cleavage, and I once got some free food.No flashing involved. Just looking good on a nice day, and wore a nice low cut shirt.

If that isn't empowering, I don't know what is. Like the saying goes, shake what ya mama gave ya. I am proud of my curves, so why should I be ashamed of the benefits I can get? I'm not saying go become a stripper for a living.

Once and a while getting a free drink, or something in the lines that can make any women feel good.

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