Monday, January 31, 2011

That's what she said

Writing at it's best. That's what she said Monday. Hopefully these make you laugh as much as they did while I was commenting about the conversations around me. Happy Monday!
You do it weird
That’s what she said
I like the longer one.
That’s what she said
Come on you know you wanna get bigger. Oh, there you go.
That’s what she said
My whole back is numb
That’s what she said
That tasted yummy
That’s what she said

Sunday, January 30, 2011


It seems like you’ve waited for a lifetime. Your eyes meet, he smiles, and you slowly walk towards him as he calls your name. You finally meet him, your doctor that is.
I don’t know about you, but when I go to the doctor I can end up sitting in the waiting room for a good hour. Some people may say change your doctor, but I won’t. My doctor is attractive, and he’s well worth the wait.
Imagine this, 6foot tall, dark hair, and a 5 o’clock shadow. Handsome
After the first time meeting him I understood why my mother-in-law was willing to spend half her day at the office. Not only is he way to attractive to be a doctor, but he is nice.
Call this an “unhealthy obsession”, but I call it the best $20 co-pay I’ve ever paid.
 I am sure the men out there aren’t interested at this moment, but doctors can be women too. There has to be a reason Halloween and lingerie companies make those tacky nurse costumes.
Regardless, a cute doctor or nurse always eases the pain of going to the doctor.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gears of War 3

Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago: Two names that might ring a bell. Of course we are talking about the main two characters in the infamous Gears of War. Gears of War 3 is set to be released in the fall of 2011.
For all you Xbox 360 gamers this is sure to light up some interest. I am personally excited to see what holds store for the final game of Gears. Some new features of Gears 3 are three playable female characters: Samantha Byrne, Anya Stroud, and Bernadette Mataki. The game also includes Jace Stratton, a solider from the comic books.
Not only does the game offer new female characters, but new weapons and armor. Multiplayer in Gears 3 also features a new mode, Beast mode. This mode lets players attack COG members as Locust. Players can earn tokens and gain strength.
Multiplayer doesn’t just offer a new mode, but it also offers players the ability to earn awards. These awards will unlock character variants.
Gears of War 3 seems to offer many new features, and I am sure it won’t let down gamers. Not only is it a fun game to play, but the storyline so far has been amazing.  While playing Gears I couldn’t help but get really into the game. I'm about to go a bit girly, but my eyes got very watery in the scene when Dom finds Maria.
This fall we will finally be able to find out if the COG defeats the Locust. For those of you who can’t wait until the fall, a beta is going to be released this spring.

Below is the trailer for Gears of War 3

Friday, January 28, 2011

Homelessness Still Exists

No one deserves to live without basic needs met.  Living in one of the most powerful nations, it is estimated between 2.3 to 3.5 million experience homelessness.
You may think to yourself, “ I am only one person, I can’t do anything to help someone I don’t even know”, but there is. Humility Now is a non-profit organization that when you buy one shirt donates another shirt to a homeless person.
While some people forget how it is to run into a rough patch, this organization works towards improving people’s lives. Sadly this is only available in the South Miami area,but working towards people helping in the whole nation.
  Are you the person you would hope to see if you were living on the streets? Think back to the last homeless person you saw, how did you react?
No matter where you live, what car you drive, or the job you have, we are all people. I put my pants on the same way you do, I am no better than the next person. Take Ted Williams for instance, amazing talent, but hit some rough patches in his life. One person helped change his whole life around.
We are all humans, and need to help one another out.

Check out the site I mentioned earlier:

Thursday, January 27, 2011


The cool crisp taste hits my taste buds; euphoria rushes though my body.  I have an addiction. I have had one for a long time, I love coke; Coca Cola that is.
Almost everyone has some sort of thing they just love, for me it’s McD’s soda. Mine may not be all that weird, but other people have very strange habits about themselves.
Would you ever go public about your strange addiction? I sure in the hell wouldn’t want someone videotaping me about a habit of mine that other people may find unusual.
TLC believes in videotaping everything, and somehow I get sucked in 90% of their shows.  Their newest show, Strange Addictions, covers just that. One woman on the show loves to eat household cleaner. Another lady cannot go anywhere without her puppets. I don’t know which one is weird.
 Everyone likes to pretend at times they are someone else, but some people like to pretend they are animals. It’s called furries. This is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen. Just google the word, furries, and tons of links pop up. While searching I found some interesting rules.
“Once again, this is an area where common sense must be used, and convention security will be allowed to exercise discretion. A good measure would be to think: “Would I wear this in a public park?” states one website.

I can’t help but think, I never see anyone dressed up as an animal in a park. This activity is pretty entertaining to read about. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
What may be normal to you may not be to others. I find people so interesting. Do you have a strange addiction?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Bachelor

What you’re about to read may upset you, what is with the fuss over the bachelor?   On January 10th the Bachelor had 8.4million viewers. 8.4 million Viewers watching people say they are looking for love.
This obsession is behind me. I tried to watch the show, and got bored of it after 15minutes or so.  If you like the Bachelor, what is it that makes it so interesting? Most reality shows are far from reality, but they still have good ratings. I have friends that love this show, but really can’t understand why.
It seems like most women I meet have an unrealistic vision of love, and these shows only fuel the fire even more. Think about it, since women are young, they have been told fairy tales. If a girl ever gets in a jam, a handsome prince comes to save her.
The Bachelor is just another fairy tale. Two people are supposed to be able to fall in love on camera, and in a short period of time. I’ll be the first to admit I once had unrealistic thoughts of love.  Romantic comedies make you want to believe you can just fall in love with your best friend. Not unless you’re best guy friend is a whore, and doesn’t believe in a thing called Karma.  Everything happens for a reason though, I have him to thank for finding my husband.
What are your thoughts about the bachelor? I am sure many of you will say I am wrong, and believe in love at first sight, or something in that lines. The Bachelor does give viewers some hope that everyone can find true love though. I just hope people don’t rush into marriage only adding to the divorce rate.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

People of Walmart

If you're looking for a good laugh on the expense of someone else, is a sure winner. I unfortunately never get to see anything crazy, and weird at walmart. Well there was this one time, a crack head was asking me questions about the xbox360, but that's a totally new blog in itself.

People Of Walmart is this simple but genius site, that displays the vast variety of people that go into walmart. When I first heard about it, I thought it kinda sounded lame until I went to it myself. Some of the photos are funny, others are like a train wreck as in you are so disturbed but you just can't look away. Here are a few good examples I found while just looking the site over.
If this doesn't scream classy, I don't know what does.

Some things are better left a mystery.

This one was just plain funny.

This site is the reason why I don't go to walmart at 3a.m. in my pjs anymore. I do love this site though.  a Definitely good way to pass some time, boost your self-esteem. I know you're thinking it, and I'm only the one with the balls to say it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

That's What She Said Monday!

We here at M.U.S.H. love, That's What She Said Jokes. Every Monday M.U.S.H. will have a few jokes, just a way to cheer up readers from a "case of the mondays".

I had Mexican last night.
   That's what she said.

It keeps me busy for 17minutes.
  That's what she said.

It's so sticky.
  That's what she said.

[Walking in a Chinese restuarant] It's kinda small.
  That's what she said.

Have music videos lost their appeal?

Remember when VH1 and MTV played music? Now the only time music videos can be found on tv are at 6a.m. Artists are still coming out with music videos, but is the only source to watch them on high priced cable channels or online?
    MTV started out in 1981, and was about music. Now the airwaves seemed to be filled with reality shows. Before MTV, we had Johnny Carson, and other nightly shows with bands playing, only fueling the idea of a music video. People love seeing their favorite musician play, but I have a strange feeling music videos have lost their glitter.
    Michael Jackson was known for long, film like music videos. It seems like half the music videos out there now, are just another way to show off your curves, or someone else's, and no longer tell a story.
    Am I just last to notice music videos arren't being played anymore, or were they never that big to begin with?