If you're looking for a good laugh on the expense of someone else, peopleofwalmart.com is a sure winner. I unfortunately never get to see anything crazy, and weird at walmart. Well there was this one time, a crack head was asking me questions about the xbox360, but that's a totally new blog in itself.
People Of Walmart is this simple but genius site, that displays the vast variety of people that go into walmart. When I first heard about it, I thought it kinda sounded lame until I went to it myself. Some of the photos are funny, others are like a train wreck as in you are so disturbed but you just can't look away. Here are a few good examples I found while just looking the site over.
If this doesn't scream classy, I don't know what does.
Some things are better left a mystery.
This one was just plain funny.
This site is the reason why I don't go to walmart at 3a.m. in my pjs anymore. I do love this site though. a Definitely good way to pass some time, boost your self-esteem. I know you're thinking it, and I'm only the one with the balls to say it.
HAHAHAHA i love people of walmart. I see shit like that every time i go. BACK TITTIES lol.