Thursday, January 27, 2011


The cool crisp taste hits my taste buds; euphoria rushes though my body.  I have an addiction. I have had one for a long time, I love coke; Coca Cola that is.
Almost everyone has some sort of thing they just love, for me it’s McD’s soda. Mine may not be all that weird, but other people have very strange habits about themselves.
Would you ever go public about your strange addiction? I sure in the hell wouldn’t want someone videotaping me about a habit of mine that other people may find unusual.
TLC believes in videotaping everything, and somehow I get sucked in 90% of their shows.  Their newest show, Strange Addictions, covers just that. One woman on the show loves to eat household cleaner. Another lady cannot go anywhere without her puppets. I don’t know which one is weird.
 Everyone likes to pretend at times they are someone else, but some people like to pretend they are animals. It’s called furries. This is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen. Just google the word, furries, and tons of links pop up. While searching I found some interesting rules.
“Once again, this is an area where common sense must be used, and convention security will be allowed to exercise discretion. A good measure would be to think: “Would I wear this in a public park?” states one website.

I can’t help but think, I never see anyone dressed up as an animal in a park. This activity is pretty entertaining to read about. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
What may be normal to you may not be to others. I find people so interesting. Do you have a strange addiction?

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