Remember when VH1 and MTV played music? Now the only time music videos can be found on tv are at 6a.m. Artists are still coming out with music videos, but is the only source to watch them on high priced cable channels or online?
MTV started out in 1981, and was about music. Now the airwaves seemed to be filled with reality shows. Before MTV, we had Johnny Carson, and other nightly shows with bands playing, only fueling the idea of a music video. People love seeing their favorite musician play, but I have a strange feeling music videos have lost their glitter.
Michael Jackson was known for long, film like music videos. It seems like half the music videos out there now, are just another way to show off your curves, or someone else's, and no longer tell a story.
Am I just last to notice music videos arren't being played anymore, or were they never that big to begin with?
I believe music videos still have major appeal, I find most of th music I listen through videos. whether it be a movie, commercial, or youtube. Music videos are like the icing on the cake for me I like to see what the artist/artists were visualizing when writing the song. I do not think the music industry would be as diverse as it is today with out MTV/VH1's glory days, but with the advent of YouTube (and as much as I hate to admit it... Vevo.) music videos are easy to access, even easier to find similar music to expand your library, as far as I see it there is no need to being back music videos to the TV.