Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago: Two names that might ring a bell. Of course we are talking about the main two characters in the infamous Gears of War. Gears of War 3 is set to be released in the fall of 2011.
For all you Xbox 360 gamers this is sure to light up some interest. I am personally excited to see what holds store for the final game of Gears. Some new features of Gears 3 are three playable female characters: Samantha Byrne, Anya Stroud, and Bernadette Mataki. The game also includes Jace Stratton, a solider from the comic books.
Not only does the game offer new female characters, but new weapons and armor. Multiplayer in Gears 3 also features a new mode, Beast mode. This mode lets players attack COG members as Locust. Players can earn tokens and gain strength.
Multiplayer doesn’t just offer a new mode, but it also offers players the ability to earn awards. These awards will unlock character variants.
Gears of War 3 seems to offer many new features, and I am sure it won’t let down gamers. Not only is it a fun game to play, but the storyline so far has been amazing. While playing Gears I couldn’t help but get really into the game. I'm about to go a bit girly, but my eyes got very watery in the scene when Dom finds Maria.
This fall we will finally be able to find out if the COG defeats the Locust. For those of you who can’t wait until the fall, a beta is going to be released this spring.
Below is the trailer for Gears of War 3
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