I recently just lost my husband to the ultimate battle. He is addicted to Call of Duty: Black Ops. I am the one to blame; I bought him it for Christmas.
I knew I didn’t stand a chance. How could any women have a fair chance with something that turns any man into a special ops solider? I could stand in front of the tv trying to seduce, him and all he’d say is “my death to kill ratio is going down because of you”.
My husband can go on for hours playing this game. I bought a 42” plasma not to watch movies in amazing color, but to watch him play video games. Listening to bitch about “campers” and “switchers” is so much better then House Hunters International.
After much resistance to the one thing that made me feel like a widow, I tried to play C.O.D. My husband makes it look much easier than it really is. All you have to do is aim, and shot, right? Wrong. Playing as a team is key, but along with that you have to know how to read a map, something I somehow lack. There is one yellow triangle representing you, but no matter how hard I try, I somehow get lost.
Like so many things in life, my marriage is a compromise. Either sit watching him play, or play with him. I can proudly say I played an online match, and made zero kills, but a million deaths. Practice makes perfect I guess.
If you can’t beat them, join them. Except when it comes to smoking crack. That’s definitely not a time not to join in. When it comes to playing C.O.D I have to learn to enjoy it more. I did just pay to get Xbox live, and don’t want to waste my money.
All and all, video games aren’t really that bad. Mario definitely rocks, but C.O.D is way ahead of my old school gaming ways
Damn switchers always laging up the game, f-ing campers cant figure out how to play the game right so they just sit and camp your spawn points...