Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why I stopped reading Cosmo

A women is wearing a very tight, and provocative outfit. SEX TIPS is written right next to her. Sounds like a issue of porn magazine doesn't it?  This is the cover of almost every issue of Cosmo Mag. I used to read this magazine like it had all the answers to every silly sex tip until I realized, why the hell am I reading this?

For those of you who don't know Cosmo is a magazine with articles towards women. Sex tips, fashion, how to lose weight, all the things women are "obsessed with". I used to read the magazine all the time looking for new tips to improve my sex life, until I realized half the things I read I would never use, or were repeats.

Cosmo is full of the articles of what he's really like, or dating advice. I've found out with experience most of these articles are obvious or just full of fluff, and way to take up space on a page. They even have an article saying what his hugs mean. Come on now, give me something that isn't so obvious. I have so many friends that read these dating articles, when they really should be talking to a good guy friend about guy advice. How can a women tell you how men are? They can't. The best they can do is poll men on questions, but that gets boring. 
Women want to be independent and strong, but we are constantly reading articles about men.Why? No article is going to help you be happy because a man doesn't make you happy.

In my personal opinion Cosmo is just a a cheaper one step down from porn magazines women are too afraid to look at. Look at the covers and you tell me if you can tell a big difference.

All three magazines look pretty similar.  All three offer pretty much the same basic elements, people half naked, and random articles. I think cosmo lacks good articles anymore. You'd be surprised the good music articles playboy has. 

It amazes me how women over analyze everything. No wonder why I do, I used to read articles about stupid things. Cosmo features an article " what his facebook status means". If the man is a hoochie, the only way to find out is talk to him. People will be who they truly are, and if he happens to be a man whore, there isn't any article out there that will change him.

So Ladies if you wanna know how to get a man, stop reading Cosmo, the $4.99 you spent on it won't help. Want some hot steamy sex tips? Read something online for free. Stop reading the silly advice articles. Be independent, and in that time of discovering yourself you will attract someone.


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