Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Salad Fingers

The mere sound of finger nails on a chalkboard can send some people jumping up from their seat in agony. Goosebumps can overwhelm you. Salad fingers does exactly that.
For some of you this may be old news, but some people have never watched Salad fingers, and this blows my mind. Few words can fully describe it. Imagine this green being with salad fingers, and a creepy British accent. Doesn’t sound interesting enough? Watch one episode and you’ll be sucked in the morbid, yet alluring world.
I wanna know what inspired David Firth. I could never come up with a twisted tale of a guy with salad fingers, and a fetish for rust. The more you watch the episodes, the creepier it seems to get.

If that did creep you out a little bit, I don't know what will. To catch more episodes and other works by David Firth head on over to

Good luck trying to sleep tonight. When you are almost falling asleep you'll hear his creepy voice.

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