Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring Fashion

It may be cold and dreary for those lucky ones, but spring is near, and that means spring fashion is hitting the stores. Along with the spring fashion are the fashion shows. Those can be pretty interesting.

Most people want to dress good, and feel good, but some fashion is just beyond me. I like to dress up, but it's very simple colors with a 50's office appeal. I stick to classics. Some of the fashion show collections are a bit out there for me. Let's take a look at some of the trends glamor magazine features online.

 This doesn't really seem like a happy spring time outfit to me, but then again I do not go with the trends. The blue wrap on her head really distracts me away from everything. 

 This outfit seems more reasonable for the everyday person. It looks very laid back, but with a nice dressy look.

This piece is a bit confusing in my opinion, it's a dress meant to look like a trench coat. Reminds me something a streaker would wear. I love trench coats, but as just that, a coat.

This has to be my favorite one. Minus the big sunglasses. I like the simple look to it.

Glamor Magazine did a good job highlighting some clothes real women could actually wear, but some other things were still a little too ugly or weird for my taste. In my opinion a pair of nice jeans, and a comfy t-shirt never go out of style.

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