Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Funny Commercials

The superbowl wasn't that long ago, and it made me think of all the funny commercials I've seen.

Have you ever seen a commercial, and thought it was an actual show? I have. I first caught the glimpse of a Geico commercial, the bird in the hand commercial half way through. Mindlessly flipping through channels I really thought this was real.

Here's a clip for those who forget, or haven't seen this commercial. 


Antique Roadshow, not the most thrilling show. I really thought they were trying to sell a bird in the hand. Kind of embarrassing, but I did caught it at the last couple seconds. 

This next commercial might make the men a little uncomfortable, but I am sure the women will laugh. 


I often wondered why so many feminine products, for those of you afraid to say tampons or pads, why were the girls so damn happy? I am no where near happy, and definitely don't wear white pants!  

This next commercial has to be my all time favorite. I can't wait until one day when I'm old and crazy like this. I am so going to be that crazy old lady down the road raising hell.

Do you guys have a favorite commercial? Feel free to comment. :]

1 comment:

  1. love the tampon commercial, cracks me up every time! especially the part with the cat lol
